Jane Litfin

Gym Geek’s health and fitness editor.

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Illustration - Showing a map of the united states surrounded with a measuring tape. The map is distorted to make it appear like a waistline.
We Analyzed 110,039 People Aiming to Lose Weight. Here’s What We Learned About Dieting in America.
illustration - Showing a scale from Sedentary to Moderately Active, up to Extra Active. This scale is known as the Standard Activity Factors (SAF).
What Is the Standard Activity Factor (SAF)?
photo - A woman holds a phone, tracking her calories in a calorie tracking app
The Exact Number of Calories You Need to Lose Weight
photo - Woman concerned about losing muscle mass points to her bicep
Is Losing Muscle on a Calorie Deficit Inevitable?
Photo - woman does exercise at the gym. To lose weight while maintaining muscle, you should engage in resistance training.
How to Lose Fat While Maintaining Muscle at the Same Time
photo - Athletic woman performs a wall sit
Try This 10 Minute Wall Pilates Workout Routine
A couple walk in a gym after a workout session
90 Day Workout Plan – Beach Body Challenge
Man performs rope pushdown, one of the exercises in the full body workout
3 Days Per Week Full Body Workout Routine
photo - Man flexes his bicep muscles
Arm Day Workout – Biceps and Triceps Routine
photo - Woman performs the Oblique Crunch, a core and abs exercise
31 Most Popular Abs and Core Exercises – Illustrated Guide
photo - Man performs the dumbbell shoulder press. This is one of the shoulder day workouts.
Shoulder Day Workout – Deltoid Workout Routine
Man performs a lat pulldown, one of the exercises in the back day workout routine
Back Day Workout Routines – With and Without Deadlifts
photo - Woman performs a dumbbell leg workout in the gym
Dumbbell Leg Workout – 30 Minute Routine (4 Leg Exercises)
photo - Woman performs squats, an at home bodyweight exercise
Beginner Bodyweight At Home Workout
Illustration of Arnold Schwarzenegger
6 Day Arnold Split – Chest and Back, Shoulders and Arms, Legs
Diagram of Child's Pose
Child’s Pose (Balasana)
Diagram showing Bound Angle Pose
Bound Angle Pose (Baddha Konasana, Cobbler’s Pose)
Diagram of Warrior 3 pose
Warrior 3 Pose (Warrior III, Virabhadrasana III)
Cow Pose diagram
Cow Pose (Bitilasana)
Diagram - Upward Salute Pose
Upward Salute Pose (Urdhva Hastasana, Raised Hands Pose)
Gate pose diagram
Gate Pose (Parighasana)
Cow face pose diagram
Cow Face Pose (Gomukhasana)
The Big Toe Pose diagram
Big Toe Pose (Padangusthasana)
Four Limbed Staff Pose diagram
Four Limbed Staff Pose (Chaturanga Dandasana)
Revolved Head to Knee Pose diagram
Revolved Head to Knee Pose (Parivrtta Janu Sirsasana)
Intense Side Stretch Pose diagram
Intense Side Stretch Pose (Pyramid Pose, Parsvottanasana)
Archers Pose diagram
Archer’s Pose (Shooting Bow Pose, Akarna Dhanurasana)
Caterpillar pose diagram
Caterpillar Pose (Paschimottanasana, Yin Yoga Forward Bend)
Diagram showing wide legged forward bend
Wide Legged Forward Bend (Prasarita Padottanasana)
Diagram showing revolved half moon pose
Revolved Half Moon Pose (Parivrtta Ardha Chandrasana)
Anantasana yoga pose
Anantasana (Side-reclining Leg Lift, Sleeping Vishnu Pose)