About the rhomboids
How can I strengthen my rhomboid muscles?
Your rhomboids are essential to building and maintaining a strong and well-defined back. Positioned in your upper back, just beneath your traps, your rhomboids control your shoulder blades, helping to support your shoulders and assisting the movement of your arms. Strong rhomboids are key to good posture, and can reduce your risk of back pain and injury in other workouts.
Despite their essential role, the rhomboids are often overlooked because of their small size and less visible location. Workout routines tend to focus on the larger latissimus dorsi (lats) and trapezius (traps) muscles since these contribute more muscle mass to your back, so bigger lats and traps alone can create an impressive back. But neglecting your rhomboids can lead to muscular imbalance over time and give rise to poor posture in your upper body.
Weak rhomboids can also impact your performance in other workouts, too. For example, exercises like bench press or rows need stability in your upper back and shoulders. If you have weak rhomboids, this can compromise your stability and proper form during the workout, which can increase your risk of injury.
This guide lists 11 effective rhomboid exercises that can strengthen your back. The variations use dumbbells, cables or resistance bands, making it easy to program them into any workout routine.
Benefits of training your rhomboids
Your rhomboids contribute to a strong and well-defined back, helping you achieve the desirable “V” shape upper back. Because of their location between the shoulder blades, they are key muscles if your goal is to build an aesthetically-pleasing back.
Maintaining good posture is important for your overall strength and wellbeing. Good posture helps you maintain proper form in other workouts, which can increase the effectiveness of your training regime, as well as reduce the risk of injury and strain.
Because strong rhomboids pull your shoulders back and by pulling along your spine, they can improve your upper back posture. So training your rhomboids to strengthen them can be a preventative measure to avoid back problems caused by working out.
Posture is even more important if you have an overdeveloped chest causing your shoulders to pronate forwards. This can put more stress on your back, neck and shoulders, as well as causing stiffness in your upper traps, potentially causing pain and discomfort long term. Strong rhomboids can counterbalance this effect by pulling back your muscles to a more normal position.
Back pain
Back pain is commonly caused by either a sedentary lifestyle or having poor posture. A sedentary lifestyle can cause your core and back muscles, including your rhomboids, to weaken over time, which can lead to poor posture in your trunk and back. In turn, this can place additional stress on your spine, ultimately leading to discomfort or chronic lower back pain.
Strengthening your upper back muscles in some cases can improve back pain conditions, when combined with lower back exercises. When strengthened, your rhomboids help pull your shoulders back, which it is thought aligns your spine and reduces the strain on your back.
If you suffer from back pain, you should always consult a medical professional before making any changes to your exercise program.
Adding rhomboid exercises to your workout routine
Exercises that involve scapular retraction (the pulling of your shoulder blades together and back) will engage your rhomboids. These exercises are typically performed with your arms elevated. Good rhomboid exercises can be rows, pull-ups or specific weightlifting exercises like deadlifts and lat pulldowns.
Adding regular rhomboid exercises to your workout routine can help you build a stronger back, as well as improve your posture over time. When designing your workout routine, it’s important to balance the volume you hit each muscle group with.
The upper back muscles, including the rhomboids, respond well to increased volume and higher rep ranges. This means you can do more sets with a 8-12 rep range (or even more). This increased volume stimulates muscle endurance and hypertrophy, helping you achieve your goals faster.
Since rhomboid exercises work other muscles at the same time, a useful tactic to target your rhomboids can be pre-exhaustion. For example, you can perform a lats isolation exercise first to exhaust your lats, then follow up with a rhomboids-focused row. Because your lats are fatigued, this state will force your rhomboids to work even harder.
An example of this tactic in your workout routine would be a set of straight-arm lat pull downs to exhaustion, followed by a set of face pulls or seated rows. Pre-exhaustion ensures your rhomboids are adequately challenged, making your workout more targeted and effective.
Pre-exhaustion is a controversial method and two studies (2003 and 2022) present no evidence that pre-exhaustion is more effective than traditional resistance training. "Conversely, pre-exhaustion exercise may have disadvantageous effects on performance, such as decreased muscle activity and reduction in strength, during multijoint exercise." (study by Augustsson et al).
It is crucial that you select exercises that concentrate more on your rhomboid muscles. Some exercises, such as pull-ups and bent-over rows, primarily target your lats instead of your rhomboids. Instead, you might want to opt for seated cable rows or dumbbell rows. These exercises have a larger range of motion and directly activate your rhomboids.
Additionally, consider adding single arm exercises to your routine to isolate each side of your rhomboids and ensure balanced development.
Rhomboid strains
If you experience severe pain or have chronic pain in your back muscles, you should consult a medical professional. You should always consult a medical professional before making any changes to your exercise program.
Rhomboid strains are often caused by strenuous activities like sports or heavy lifting. High impact activities or activities that have repetitive shoulder movements can put stress on your rhomboid muscles, leading to strain or injury.
Signs of a rhomboid strain can be pain between your shoulder blades or discomfort when moving your arms and shoulders.
If you have a rhomboid strain, it is important to avoid activities that place stress on your back muscles. Activities like heavy lifting, overhead movements or intense upper body exercises can make the condition worse or slow down your recovery.
See also: Treatment for Rhomboid Pain (Healthline)
Isometric training
Isometric training is a method of strengthening your muscles without moving through a full range of motion. Instead, you contract the muscle and hold it in one position. This can make it a safer and more beneficial type of exercise if you are recovering from a muscle strain or injury.
An effective isometric exercise for rhomboid strains is the scapular retraction hold. To perform this exercise, start by standing or sitting upright. Pull your shoulder blades together as if trying to hold a pencil between them, and then hold that position. Maintain this position for about 5 seconds, ensuring your shoulders remain down and relaxed throughout.
The ‘squeeze and hold’ technique of isometric training increases blood flow to the area which can accelerate the healing process.
If you feel any irritation or discomfort, stop immediately and consult a medical professional for advice.
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